A Reluctant Exerciser: On the Road to Recovery

I completed The Fast Factory Challenge today. My goals for the 6-weeks were pedestrian: recharge my exercise routine,  clean up my diet, and downsize my menopausal muffin top . Not for one moment did I entertain the idea of shifting my lifelong relationship with fitness. Yet, that's what happened.


The building blocks were there. I've had the support of family, CrossFit coaches who challenged me to test my limits, and a cadre of runners who inspired me to train for a 10-miler.  When I ignored the signs, pushed through the pain and was injured about 2 years ago, my favorite personal trainer in the world guided me on the road to recovery. We barreled through feelings of inadequacy and challenges of age.

I made my way into the morning crew at the gym and the choreographed sequence of free weights, benches, and machines. No longer did I feel the need to try (in vain) to keep up with those half my age or to push myself beyond what my body was able to commit to that day. I learned to pay close attention to form, to push when able, and to rest when needed. I exercised safely, did not reinjure, and my strength returned. It was good - until it wasn't.

Late this past summer, my motivation waned. I was ready for a change. I needed a recharge. I missed the energy and accountability of a group. The challenge provided me with all that, and more. I am stronger in mind and body than I was 6 weeks ago.

Not all hard work leads to progress and I am committed to doing less of the work that takes a lot of effort but leads nowhere. I am committed to doing more of the difficult work that needs to be done to grow.

Like writing again after far too long.

#Fitness: A Day in the Life Sunday

Good morning! I slept in until 8 am this morning. It's been a long time since I've done that. I needed the rest and the loss of 3 productive hours was a good trade this morning.


I've been in this over-50 zone for over 2 weeks now and I have got to tell you, it's not bad.

I have been exercising and eating clean (a work in progress for this carb lover) and just this morning I fit into the dress I wore for my daughter's christening AND the dress I wore out for my birthday dinner that same year - 12 years ago. 

I went shopping yesterday to buy new pants because the ones I have are too big. Need a pant size 6-8-10-12? I got you covered and hope I never have the need for the bigger ones again. Weight fluctuations stink.

There are some real reasons your weight will fluctuate up to five pounds each day:

  • Eating and drinking. Weighing yourself after eating a meal or drinking a  large amount will give you a falsely high measurement. Weighing yourself after  you sweat a lot, such as after working out, will give you a falsely low  reading.
  • Sodium intake. The large amount of sodium in a fast food or pizza meal  leads to water retention and a falsely high weight.
  • Carbohydrates. A meal high in simple carbohydrates will also cause you  to hold water and temporarily raise weight. Similarly, high protein and low  carbohydrate diets give a false impression of weight loss when the body is  simply losing carbohydrate and water weight.
  • Hormones. Water retention, and therefore weight, fluctuates with a  woman's menstrual cycle.

My fluctuations have blown past five pounds and over the years, pregnancy aside, were due to stress, no exercise and a lot of food. For the record I am all for falsely low readings but have made a commitment to myself, my closet and my wallet that this is not a short term experiment but a new way of life.

Don't believe me? I went to Trader Joe's yesterday and bought sprouted bread and  nitrate free turkey bacon. Replace the mayo with a touch of guacamole and you have a killer, clean BLT.

What do you do to keep your fitness in check? HR-sphere friends, need some motivation and support? Join the HR Fit Crew on Facebook and get out from behind the desk right now.