Health, Exercise and Milestone Birthdays: A Day in the Life Sunday
/Tips, tricks and carrots-on-a-stick may work for short-term goals but when it comes to motivation for health, exercise and lifestyle changes, these techniques fail for me every time.
I am a reluctant exerciser. I exercise in starts and stops. After a 2-1/2 year start, one thing lead to another and my latest stop was in August. I have not exercised since August. Sure, there were a few cursory visits to the gym but nothing that amounted to anything other than a weak attempt at easing my woes.
On Tuesday, this will change. I have 2 more days to hang out with my excuses, regrets and over-40 hips before I take that first step back into the gym. I am dreading(and scared by) the hard work it's going to take to get back into shape. Add that to the impact of a low MPH on the treadmill and having to reach for the pink weights on my psyche and, well, this is NOT going to be fun at all.
Where the promise of new exercise clothes, a spa-day or getting to shop for new clothes has failed to get my butt into the gym, the arrival of Tuesday, February 12, 2013 changed the game.
February 12 is T-6 months to a very significant birthday. For the record, I plan to bust, rather than stroll, right through this one.
Here goes nothing.