Helping Veterans: Warrior Weekend Program
/I have a thing for Veterans. I am a veteran, I know Veterans, I work with Veterans and the whole mission behind the HR work I do each day is to honor America's Veterans. I even had the honor to mold, shape and build future Veterans when I taught ROTC at the University of Pennsylvania more than a few years ago.
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It was during my ROTC assignment that I met Stephen Udovich. Steve was an infantry officer with more #badass in his buzz cut than the rest of our department combined. Steve is now retired and has used his #bad for #good.
Steve founded the Warrior Weekend Program. The Warrior Weekend Program provides weekends of rest and relaxation for America's Heroes who have been wounded in Iraq and Afghanistan and who are undergoing recovery at our Military Medical Centers. They focus on small groups of between 8 to 12 personnel and offer events to participate in at various destination cities. The idea behind the program is to take these heroes and their family members out of the hospital environment for a weekend.
The program depends entirely on contributions.
Warrior Weekends is sponsoring a Super Bowl Raffle with proceeds to benefit the program. Super Bowl Package includes: 2 Tickets to the Super Bowl, 3 Nights at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel in New York City, $1,500 in transportation of spending money.
For More Information or to Purchase Tickets, CLICK HERE.
Tickets by Mail: Send check made to Warrior Weekend Fund ($20.00 each) with self addressed stamped envelope to address on the flyer.
Click through and take a look at the program. It's a good one.