I'm 50: A Day in the Life Sunday

My 50th birthday was Monday. I spent Monday night in an out of town ER waiting room. I hope this isn't an indication on what the next 50 years have in store for me.


I ended my birthday week with a run and in much better condition than I started. The run was a 2.5 mile recovery run after my #Crossfit workout Saturday morning. It was a killer workout for me: 400m run, 50 wall balls, 50 burpees, 50 sit ups, 50 KB swings, 25 tire flips, 25 GHD sit ups, 25 shoulder press and 25 squats.

Why, with 4 other workouts to pick from and a week without exercise, did I choose the psycho one with the 50 burpees? "More burpees, please," said no one ever.

I wanted to see if I could do it. 

After getting passed the thought that this workout was beyond me, deciding to break the 50s into sets of 10 as needed, ignoring the timer and silencing the inner voice pleading with me to consider Level 1 and one-half of the reps, I hit the pavement. 

Could I do it? Yes, I could. It wasn't easy and it was pretty but did the whole thing, right down to the 50th burpee, 25th tire flip and very last squat.

I wished it were easier for me, but if it was, I know I'd never get any better.

Whether it's exercise, running, leadership, learning a new task, human resources, real estate, relationship, parenting, don't wish for easy - wish for insight, support, courage and the strength to face whatever life throws at you.

One of the birthday cards I received from my husband read that turning 50 "means wearing your confidence like a smile and striding through your life - regret-free, fearless, and purposeful."

Don't wait until you are fifty, wear your confidence like a smile now.  If you are approaching a milestone birthday, don't fret - come talk with me. We got this.

Fine Lines: A Day in the Life Sunday

Most anyone can see the obvious. Let them have it. The obvious is too easy. I want the rest.

Photo credit: iStockphoto

Photo credit: iStockphoto

The devil is in the details and it's the fine lines that get me thinking. Driving into work the other day, it hit me just how many "fine lines" there are circling around me at this very moment.

There's a fine line between:

  • Talking through an employee adverse decision you are making and violating due process
  • Wanting to give your child more than you had and spoiling her
  • Watching what you eat and changing your eating habits
  • Conduct that creates discontent and conduct that warrants discipline
  • Exercising and building strength
  • Talking about  <fill in the blank> and really knowing what you're talking about
  • A non-negotiable issue and a bad idea
  • Accepting your child as is and setting behavior expectations
  • Listening to understand and not speaking up when you should
  • Recognizing performance and playing favorites. Tip: Favorites perform.
  • Right and wrong
  • Writing to meet a deadline and writing to make a difference
  • Robust debate and bullying
  • Having a friend and being a friend
  • Choosing between one outfit in a snug size 6 (suck it in) and another in an 8

There's a fine line between age and aging and I am staying on the right side of this one today as I say good-bye to my 40s. Be inquisitive. Query, question and wonder. Don't run from what you find and tell me about a fine line on your mind today.