Life Out Of Control

Monday morning. 5:14 am.

I am in Gmail sending a message to two of my cohorts in crime Shauna Moerke and Trish McFarlane. We are scheduled to be on HR Happy Hour this Thursday to dish about this powerful, break the mold, build community, recognize leadership, kind of thing we call Women of HR.

Women of HR is a multi-contributor, multi-voice, multi-gender (ok, two gender) blog about women, business, the issues that effect women and how women are making it all work.

How do women make it all work?

It's not always easy, it's not always pretty and it doesn't always work but it's real, it's honest, and it's inspiring.

I was not feeling too inspired this morning.

I have a conflict on Thursday night. My husband is being recognized for kadoodles of years of service and the dinner is right during HR Happy Hour. I didn't put all of this together until Sunday night as I was looking for a sitter for the kid, doing laundry, and getting my thoughts and notes together for the show (on the date I helped to set nonetheless).
HR Happy Hour can go on without me. I may be able to dial in from the dinner, I can give my cohorts my notes and, no matter what, I know they will represent us well.

So, my frazzle it's not really about that. It's about me not putting 2 and 2 together until Sunday night. It's about my days being held together by the wisp of a string. It's about the teeter. It's about the totter.

It's about waiting for it all to come tumbling down, which I know won't happen, because I simply won't let it happen.

I am a Woman of HR.

Now, do me a favor and go check us out now. We're awesome!