Creative Pathways

Bedtime stories. I used to be able to get by reading bedtime stories from a book to my daughter. Now she wants me to make a bedtime story up each night. I tell her I am not a storyteller. I tell her I am not creative. She listens and then she tells me to stop insulting myself. She tells me that I am creative and that my stories are good. My daughter is 8 yrs old and she is one smart cookie.

Another smart cookie is a friend of mine, Deb Owen. I met Deb through her blog 8 hours & a lunch about 3 years ago. At that time, she was working for a company. Now, she is working for herself. She is the living, breathing embodiment of figuring out what you want to do for yourself - and DOING IT. Change, reinvention and commitment to self? Deb has been there, done it (well) and is ready to share what she has learned with others.

Deb is offering a cool new course called "Creative Pathways," ideal for thoughtful do-ers who are unclear of what their ideal life looks like - or what steps to take to get there. If you are ready to figure out what you really want and GO for it, check it out DJO Creative's "Creative Life Coaching Series."

Go. Go right now. You owe it to yourself to take a look.

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