Renaming the Blog - Simply.

If you are visiting the site, you may notice some small changes. 

It's been time for a title change for a few months now. I recently asked for a vote on some new titles. With 76 votes placed, two names came out on top and  there were some great write-in suggestions too. It all got me thinking and yes, I will spare you the details.

Bottom line - what was HR Thoughts, then Lisa Rosendahl's HR Thoughts, then Lisa Rosendahl, is now Simply Lisa. Change complete.

The two top vote getters were "Thoughts in Action" and "Simply Lisa." The write-ins that caught my attention were "HR Inspiration to Transform You," "On Leadership and Human Capital," and "Lisa on Leader/Lisa on People." Thanks to all for sharing your thoughts and ideas - I appreciate them all.

I changed templates to something simple and will keep my eyes open for other customizable ideas (read: save money to have someone do for me). I am not going to mess with the feeds and if I worked through Feedburner right, your current subscriptions should not be impacted - just titled differently. If you have any problems, let me know. If you are not subscribed and want to be, click here to subscribe.

Hey, don't be surprised if it changes again. Evolution right before your eyes!